unlock your own healing power

It's true. The power has been inside you all along.
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(650) 769-5055
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It's true. The power has been inside you all along.
Get started by text or phone
(650) 769-5055
or fill out contact form
Your participation is pretty easy. Find a comfortable spot where you can be relaxed. It's best if you have a glass of water nearby. You talk with me by phone or in person, and give me permission to connect with your energy. I'll ask you to rate your pain, discomfort or mobility on a 0-10 scale before and after (and sometimes during) the session. My goal is to move you down the scale and ideally get you close or at 0. It seems to help people most of the time, but there are no guarantees.
The better you can describe your symptoms, the better chance we will have together at identifying the source of the energy blockage. I do not use a medical model to treat, but find it useful to clearly understand where you are at and where you would like to be. We will work purely at the energy level.
I'll ask you to do some breathing, and focus on your name. Then just tell me if you feel your energy moving.
I've found joint pain, back pain, muscle pain tend to respond well. I've found that broken bones tend to heal more quickly than otherwise expected. I have helped someone recover from a stroke by distance ExpressReiki. I don't have direct evidence, but I believe it can help people with cancer. The treatment essentially helps pump up a person's own inner healing resources.
I've helped a few animals, and am willing to try on your pet, if you like.
I have not found much success with coughs and the common cold, although have occasionally found the treatment to help, and have a testimonial about a cold on my About page.
It's essentially turning up your own life force switch, unblocking your own energy, so actually almost anything is possible.
Well, to my surprise and delight, I seem to have an affinity for this and have been able to help folks with a wide variety of concerns. I'm so excited about this that I encourage you to try it!
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